Welcome to my Blog

Hello ~ My name is Lisa Doyle-Mitchell. In 2005 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. From the first moment upon hearing the diagnosis, I did not accept this illness. Something in me knew that I could heal. I believe this determination is part of what saved my life. I realized that in order to heal my body that I had to heal my life and let go of toxic emotions and belief systems that were destroying my health. I want to share my experience with others, to give those who may be facing a similar diagnosis of MS or any other auto-immune disease, hope and a new perspective. I am very, very grateful to be able to share my personal journey of healing and empowerment with you! Click here to read my story.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I read a quote on how having an Attitude of Gratitude opens the door for more gifts & lessons.  You know I started listing all the things I am grateful for and realized doing it that you need to release all expectations of what is going to show up in your life. It is a fine line between Trusting & Affirming. 

Any thoughts?

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I have learned and discovered that My Brain is a powerful tool.  How my thoughts can create/manifest.  I experienced a day without connecting to my higher power and focusing on the negative created angst and confrontations - not feeling settled & second guessing my decisions.  I also experienced a day when I connected to my higher power through contemplation/meditation and singing my mantra HU (Huuuuuuu) and affirming that life comes to me with Joy, Love & Glory and then asking what I need to learn or to be of service and then trusting - I find that my day is an adventure!  I truly find that every experience that comes into my world that particular day as a GIFT no matter how it looks.  I love the quote "I made plans & God Laughs".....